Appendix:Proto-Tuu reconstructions

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The following lists of Proto-Tuu reconstructions are from Güldemann (2005) and Starostin (2021).

Güldemann (2005)

English gloss Proto-Tuu
child *ʘa
father *a̰a
mother *qa > *ka̰ > *kx(o)a̰
name *ǀãe, *ǁae
people, men *tuu
spouse *ǀha- ~ *(ⁿ)ǀha-
woman *ǀa-
beard *nǀum
bite, ache *tsʼii
cough *ǀho̰ ~ *(ⁿ)ǀho
defecate *t(h)xa(i)
die *ǀʼaa
ear *nǂ(u)i
eat *ãa, *ãi
eye (or see ?) *tsʼaa
hand, arm *ǀkxʼaa
hair *ǀkhu
head *nǀaa
lungs *ǁʼon
mouth *thu
neck *ǂkxʼa(-u) > *ǂkxʼu
nose *nǀu, *nǀũ
shoulder *gǁa̰e
skin *tũ-
tired *ǀkhu, *ǀkho
tongue *ǀʼãri > *ǀʼani
tooth *ǁkha(i)
bee, honey *ǀkho
bird *ǀhui
bow *ǀha(u)
egg *gǂu(i)
fat *sõe, *sã̰a
gemsbok *!hai, *!ha̰i
hartebeest *(g)!aʼa
horn *ǁã(i)
hunt *ǀkxʼõa, *ǀkxʼãa
leopard *!ab- > *!au
meat *ʘo-, *ʘa-
ostrich *qoe > *to̰e
porcupine *ǀhõ ~ *(ⁿ)ǀhõ
ground, earth *!ʼã(u)
hut, shelter *nǁa(i)
sun, day *ǁʼõe, *ǁʼũi, *ǁʼã
tree, wood *ʘho, *nʘo, *nʘa
water, rain *!khaa
wind *ǂ(k)hue, *ǂ(k)hoe
carry (child) *ǀqam
call, shout *!ʼai
come *saa, *sii
cook, roast *ǁa(u)
give *nǀa
go *ǁʼa-
help *hui
own, possess *ǁʼãi, *ǁʼai
see *nǀa, *nǀi
sense, feel *t(h)ã̰a
sit *tshoo
sleep *ʘõ(n), *ʘãi(n)
walk, travel *tã̰i

Starostin (2021)



  • Tuu family
    • !Ui branch [also known as !Kwi] (languages: ǀXam, Nǁng, ǁXegwi)
    • Taa branch (languages: !Xóõ and all of its dialects, as well as Bleek's Kakia and Nǀuǁen)
      • Nossob subgroup (languages: ǀʼAuni, ǀHaasi)


No. English gloss Proto-Tuu Proto-!Ui Proto-Taa Proto-Nossob
1 all *ku *kU-kaˤ
2 ashes *!qui
3 bark
4 belly
5 big *!xa-(i) *o-si ~ *u-si
6 bird *ǀqʰui *ǀ̰u(ʢ)- *si=ǀ̰u
7 bite *siʔi *c’i *siʔ-
8 black *!(ʰ)oe *ǂaʔ-
9 blood *ǁxau *!̃aˤ *ǁxau
10 bone *ʗ(°)a *ǂã
11 breast (chest) *ǁ̃uiŋ
12 burn (tr.) *ǁa
13 claw (fingernail) *ǁqu-rV *ǁqo-rV *ǁqu-; *ǁ̰aʔm
14 cloud
15 cold *ǁãʔũ
16 come *si ~ *sa *si ~ *sa *si ~ *sa *s[’]i ~ *sa
17 die *ǀʼa *ǀʼa *ǀʼa
18 dog *ǂʰɔ- *ǂʰu- *ǂqʰa- *ǂʰɔŋ
19 drink *kxʼa(ʰ)- *kxʼa- *kxʼaʰ- *kxʼa-
20 dry *ǁoˤ- *ǁo
21 ear *ǂ̃u- *ǂ̃u- *ǂ̃u- *ǂ̃u-
22 earth (sand) *!(q)ʼãũ *ǂx’um (?) *!̪aʔa
23 eat *ʔã *ʔã *ʔã *ʔa ~ *ʔã
24 egg (?) *ǂaʔwi *ǂ̰u-
25 eye *cʼa-xu (?) *ǂʼũ- ~ *!ʼũ- (?) *cxo
26 fat (n.) *sɔˤ- *so- *sãˤ *so-
27 feather (hair)
28 fire *ǀ’i *ǀ’i *ǀ’a- *ǀ’i
29 fish
30 fly (v.) *ʒ(o)eˤ *ǁ/ʰ/au; *zeˤ *ʒõẽˤ
31 foot *ʗ̃a *ǂ̃u- *!Xai
32 full *!qauŋ *!̪um
33 give *a *!qʰa-
34 good
35 green *ǀ̰aiˤ-
36 hair *ǀʰu- *ǀʰu *ǀ̰qʰu- *ǀʰo
37 hand *ǀx’a *ǀx’a *ǀx’a *ǀx’a/N/
38 head *ǀ̃a *ǀ̃a *ǀ̃a- *ǀ̃a; *xu
39 hear (?) *tu *tu *tãˤ
40 heart *ǀq’a(-i) *ǀ[’]ai *ǀq’a- *ǀ[’]e
41 horn *ǁã- *ǁãĩ *ǁã-
42 I
43 kill *ǀʰa ~ *ǀʰi *qa-
44 knee *ǀ̃u- *ǁ̰xũ
45 know *ǁxae
46 leaf *ǀ̰ana
47 lie *ta ~ *tu *ta *tu
48 liver *ǁ̃aN *ǁ̃aN *ǁ̃am
49 long *ǀʼa
50 louse *ʘ̃u- *ʘ̃u-


  • Güldemann, Tom (2005) ‘“Tuu”: A New Name for the Southern Khoisan Family’, in Tom Güldemann (ed.), Studies in Tuu (Southern Khoisan). University of Leipzig Papers on Africa, Languages and Literatures, 23 (Leipzig: Institut für Afrikanistik, University of Leipzig), pp. 2–9.
  • Starostin, George (2021). Lexicostatistical studies in Khoisan II/1: How to make a Swadesh wordlist for Proto-Tuu. Journal of Language Relationship / Вопросы языкового родства 19(2): 99–135.
Vocabulary lists of African languages

Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilo-Saharan • p-Nilotic (p-E. Nilotic • p-S. Nilotic) • p-Surmic • NE Sudanic • p-Nubian • Nara • p-Daju • p-Jebel • Temein • Central Sudanic (p-Central Sudanic • p-Sara-Bongo-Bagirmi • Sinyar • Birri • p-Mangbetu) • p-Kuliak (Ik) • Kadu • Berta • Kunama • Gumuz • p-Koman • Gule • Amdang • Mimi-D • p-Maban • Mimi-N • Kanuri • p-Songhay • Tadaksahak


p-Niger-Congo • p-Atlantic-Congo • p-Benue-Congo • p-Grassfields • p-Ring • Momo • Tivoid • Ekoid • Beboid • Bendi • p-Bantu (Swadesh list) • p-Kongo • p-Jukunoid • p-Plateau (p-Tarokoid) • p-N. Jos • p-Fali • p-Yoruboid • Olukumi • p-Edoid • p-Akokoid • p-Igboid • Akpes • Ayere-Ahan • p-Upper Cross River • p-Lower Cross River • Anaang • p-Ogoni • p-Ukaan • p-Nupoid • Oko • p-Idomoid • p-Ijaw • Defaka • p-Gbe (Fongbe) • p-Potou-Akanic • p-Mumuye • p-Jen • Yendang • Tula-Waja • p-Lakka • p-Bua • Kim • p-Central Togo • p-Guang • p-Gurunsi • p-Oti-Volta (p-E. Oti-Volta • p-C. Oti-Volta) •  Tiefo • Natioro • Bariba • p-Gbaya • Dogon • p-Mande (p-W. Mande • p-Mandekan • p-Niger-Volta • p-S. Mande) • Atlantic (Guinea) • p-Fula-Sereer • p-Cangin • p-Manjaku • Bijogo • p-Talodi • p-Heiban • p-Katloid • Rashad • Lafofa


p-Afroasiatic • p-Chadic • p-Ron • p-North Bauchi • p-South Bauchi • South Bauchi • p-Central Chadic • p-Masa • Kujarge • p-Cushitic • p-Agaw • p-Omotic • p-Aroid • p-Maji • Mao • p-Semitic


Khoisan • p-Khoe • p-Central Khoisan • p-Tuu • !Kung

Language isolates

Bangime • Jalaa • Laal • Ongota • Shabo • Sandawe • Hadza

