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Alternative forms




Shortened form of two-for-one [deal], that is, two for the price of one (BOGO).





twofer (plural twofers)

  1. (also attributively) Something sold at a discount of two for the price of one.
    • 2004 October 29, Carol McAlice Currie, “Unposted laws make downtown seem unwelcoming”, in Statesman Journal, volume 152, number 214, Salem, OR, page 1C:
      I dashed into the mall; bought a gift; raced to the card store, snapped up a two-fer gift-bag special and was back in my car in 26 minutes. I could medal in power shopping.
  2. Something that yields a substantial additional benefit; something that figuratively kills two birds with one stone.
  3. The fashion of wearing long sleeves outside a short-sleeved shirt.
  4. A cabling device used in theatre, allowing two stage lighting instruments to be connected to one dimmer.



See also


