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Galician Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia gl
  • púbrico instead of público (since some Galician words have -br- where Spanish has -bl-)
  • sinceiro instead of sincero (since some Galician words have -ei- where Spanish has -e-)



From hiper- +‎ galeguismo.



hipergaleguismo m (plural hipergaleguismos)

  1. (lexicology) a Galician word that is formed by adapting a Spanish word incorrectly
    • Francisco Fernández Rei, Consideracións sobre a lingua de Na noite estrelecida de Ramón Cabanillas in 1999, Camilo Flores Varela, Xosé Luis Couceiro Pérez, Homenaxe ó profesor Camilo Flores, volume 2, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, page 312:
      O autor de Vento mareiro foxe das formas comúns ó castelán co emprego de hipergaleguismos, que ás veces son as únicas formas das diferentes obras, []
      The author of Vento mareiro does not use the common or Castilian forms by using hypergalicianisms, which sometimes are the only forms in the various works, []
    • 2016, Xavier Frías Conde, Notas de sociolingüística e historia da lingua galega, UNED, page 21:
      Un dos elementos máis notábeis daquela norma primitiva era a presenza dos chamados hipergaleguismos, isto é, unha deformación artificial de vocábulos nomeadamente cultos cuxa forma coincidía co español para facerlles «soar máis galego».
      One of the most notable elements of that primitive norm was the presence of so-called hypergalicianisms, that is, an artificial corruption of allegedly refined words whose form coincided with Spanish in order to make them “sound more Galician”.

See also
