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Alternative forms




Initialism of militärt överintresserad person (person overly interested in the military)






  1. person with an unsound interest in the military and weapons
    • 2020, Lovis Häkkinen, Markus Hjortsman, “Man misstänks ha samlat in hemliga uppgifter om försvaret [Man suspected of collecting secret information on defense]”, in SVT Nyheter[1]:
      Åklagaren misstänker däremot inte att mannen har samlat uppgifterna med syfte att sprida vidare. Det ska i stället röra sig om en så kallad ”MÖP” – militärt överintresserad person.
      The prosecutor, on the other hand, does not suspect that the man has collected the information with the purpose to spread further. It is instead assumed to be a so-called "MOP" - militarily over-interested person.
  2. (military) type of recruit that is unwanted and denied military service due to their interest in military and weapons
  3. (retail) type of clientele with a large interest in military and weapons
  4. (slang, derogatory) person with a large interest in military, weapons, or warfare
    • 2017, “Nu får MÖP-Sverige bestämma sig [Now, MOP-Sweden must decide]”, in Försvarsmakten, inifrån sett [The Armed Forces, from the inside]‎[2]:
      Konstaterar att när FM normalt anskaffar något helt nytt eller inhemskt stormar MÖP-Sverige på sina sociala medier över att FM inte har köpt ett beprövat, utländskt alternativ som finns ”på hyllan” istället.
      Notes that when the Armed Forces normally acquires something completely new or domestic, MOP-Sweden storms on its social media that the Armed Forces has not bought a proven, foreign alternative that is "from the shelf".


Declension of MÖP 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative MÖP MÖP:en MÖP:ar MÖP:arna
Genitive MÖP:s MÖP:ens MÖP:ars MÖP:arnas

See also


