ic beo mid eow

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Old English

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  • IPA(key): /it͡ʃ be͜o mid e͜oːw/



ic beo mid ēow

  1. I will be with you
    • c. 992, Ælfric, "On the Lord's Ascension"
      Eft he cwæð, "Ic bēo mid ēow eallum dagum, ōð þisre worulde geendunge," seðe lyfað and rixað mid þam Ælmihtigan Fæder and ðam Halgum Gaste á on ecnysse. Amen.
      Again he said, "I will be with you on all days, until the ending of this world," who liveth and reigneth with the Almighty Father and the Holy Ghost ever to eternity. Amen.