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See also: ultramar

Old Spanish[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]


Borrowed Old French Outremer (literally overseas) as a territorial designation.


Proper noun[edit]

Ultramar m

  1. (historical) the Holy Land; the Crusader states established after the First Crusade
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 1r:
      Ont te ruego q̃ tu me enbies eſripto en vna carta la faziẽda de vltra mar. E los nõbres de laſ cibdades ⁊ de las tierras como ovierõ nõbre. En latin ⁊ en ebraẏco. equãto a de la vna cibdat ala otra. E las marauẏllas q̃ nro ſẽnor dios fezo en iħrꝉm. e en toda la tierra de vltramar.
      So I pray you send to me written in a latter an account of the Holy Land, and the names of the cities and of the lands and the names they had in Latin and Hebrew, and the distance from one city to the other, and the wonders that Our Lord God worked in Jerusalem and throughout the Holy Land.

Related terms[edit]