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each; every
under; next; lower
under; next; lower; below; underneath; down(wards); to go down; latter
heal; the more...the more; to recover
heal; the more...the more; to recover; better
moreover; situation
trad. (每下愈況)
simp. (每下愈况)
anagram 每況愈下每况愈下



From Zhuangzi:

每下愈況 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
每下愈况 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Zhuangzi, circa 3rd – 2nd centuries BCE
Zhèng huò zhī wèn yú jiān shì lǚ xī yě, měi xià yù kuàng. [Pinyin]
They remind me of the questions addressed by the superintendents of the market to the inspector about examining the value of a pig by treading on it, and testing its weight as the foot descends lower and lower on the body.






  1. (original meaning) looking further down for details will improve one's understanding of the situation
  2. (now more common, often considered nonstandard) Alternative form of 每況愈下每况愈下 (měikuàngyùxià)